Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shhhh don't tell...

My body was very happy about the start of my Paleo journey from day 1. Since then, anything that my body hates it rejects as usual. Or I get horrid heartburn.
Remind me some time to tell you about vomiting on the Radiology lady that tried to get me to drink the fizzy drink.
I tried to eat a little tomato a while back, and it hurt. And the last two days, I tried to eat an egg.
I think I had better behave myself and stick to the Autoimmune protocol!!! :)
My family has been enjoying all of the eggs and veggies that are on my do not eat list. ;)
I have to admit something though.
Since my diagnosis, I have been on serious medication. Everyday, I have taken my medication faithfully. I have been late for a dose here and there, but my body always reminded me it was missing.
Sunday, as I lay in bed for the night........ I realized, I had not taken ANY medication that day.
I felt so normal, I forgot I had to. I felt like my old self. My real self. Not my Takayasu self.
It was too late to take my doses, and I didn't feel physically bad. So, I just took my medicine on Monday as normal.
I have always wanted to take a medication vacation. It sure would be nice to go a little longer, but what a great day it was.
 Shhh, don't tell on me.

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